Saturday, May 23, 2009


Everyone participating in the Artist Market ultimately wants as many opportunities as possible to showcase and sell their artwork. The market offers a chance for local artists to make a significant seasonal contribution to their income and BCA wants to help every artist be as successful as possible.

There was confusion about BCA’s role in the market … ?

Many of those participating in the meeting want to begin and end the season simultaneously with the Farmers Market, along with hopes for more transparency and communication when dates are cancelled or changed.

It was the overriding opinion of many at the latest meeting not to re-jury every year. Though annual juries are an industry standard, those who have been participating for multiple seasons are pushing for seniority in both the selection process and space assignments.

On that note, the location of each artist’s space was a major topic of discussion. Other than assigning spaces based on seniority, some are hoping to stay the same space each week. There were also questions about varying the size of the space based on need, then breaking down rent to correspond to that size.

Because of the strong feelings on logistics of the market itself, we discussed creating a market advisory board to collaborate on internal issues regarding its administration.

In response to those hoping to have meetings more frequently, we’re scheduling another meeting in the next few weeks and invite anyone to attend and offer input.

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